Employee Owned
Contract Metal Manufacturer
Here at Assurance Manufacturing, Inc., we are all committed to providing our customers with quality products that will meet or exceed their requirements. This drive for excellence in quality and customer service enables us to continually improve the effectiveness of the quality management system.
Our Milestones
Assurance Manufacturing Established
Converted into an employee owned ESOP company
Assurance becomes ISO certified

Robotic Welding increases productivity

CNC Machining capabilities were added

Purchased Fiber laser with "lights-out" capability

Community Involvement

Blood Drive
Every two seconds someone in America gets a blood transfusion. Five million patients will need blood this year and a single pint of blood can save up to three lives. Assurance Manufacturing has partnered with the American Red Cross to support the demand for blood in our community.

Scholarships for Success
Assurance Manufacturing has established a community scholarship program to meet the financial needs of students interested in the field of manufacturing. Assurance will match any donation until our goal of $5,000 is met. Contact us for more information on how to donate.

OEM, Enterprise, SMBs
Partner with Us
We work directly with OEMs, enterprises, and small to midsize businesses. If you're looking for a quote on your next project, or are in search of a partnership for ongoing production, reach out to us today!